Statewide Subaward Data

Statewide Subaward Data

The RI Subaward Public Data only includes subawards issued via the Grants Management System (eCivis Portal). Beginning July 1, 2023, most new grants funded in whole or in part with federal funds (subawards) have been issued through the eCivis Portal. This data is updated quarterly. Click on the tiles below for more information on subawards. This data can be exported by clicking the ellipsis (3 dots) icon.

For State of Rhode Island grant programs currently accepting applications, visit Funding Opportunities

General information on individual grant programs may be found on the awarding agency’s website. Data on State Designated Grants, funded through the state budget, is available on the Transparency Portal. For data on the State Fiscal Recovery Fund, visit the Pandemic Recovery Office website.


See below for updates on statewide subawards

See below for updates on statewide subawards