
Published on Wednesday June 12, 2024:

Public Notice of Proposed Rulemaking:


The proposed amendment to the Regulation expands the grounds for modifications to the Subaward Agreement template. 220-RICR-20-00-2.6.5(c)(3)

Public Notice Period: June 12, 2024 – July 15, 2024

Published on Wednesday May 29th, 2024:

Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) Updates:

On 10/1/24 updates to federal Uniform Grant Guidance (UGG) 2 CFR 200 take effect.  These updates are the result of an extensive review and public comment process lead by the federal Office of Management and Budget.  The updates include changes relevant to state agencies managing federal awards.   Agencies should review the updates and look for updates from federal awarding agencies regarding the impact of the updates on any active federal awards.  

UGG changes are viewable here on this redlined version provided by which has more information on the changes on their website.  

Here are some of the changes in the updated UGG (not a complete list):

  • Reduction of Administrative Burden: Use of plain English, reduction in closeout requirements, increase equipment threshold from $5k to $10k, increase single audit threshold from $750k to $1m.
  • Simplification of Notices of Funding Opportunities (NOFOs): Use of a streamlined template for federal grant announcements.
  • Clarification of Labor Standards and Procurement Flexibility: Updated guidance provides clearer labor standards and more flexibility in procurement processes.  Changes to rules around preferences
  • Update to the “Allocable,” clause 200.405 increasing flexibility. 
  • Strengthened Program Evaluation: Costs related to data and evaluation now explicitly allowable
  • Increased Indirect Cost Rate: De minimis rate changed from 10% to 15%, with increase in subaward amount allowable in base from $25k to $50k.
  • Use of Languages Other than English: Emphasis and clarity around translations

We are aware a number of professional organizations are offering free UGG update trainings throughout the summer/fall.  Check with your professional organizations for more information and details.  

Published on Tuesday February 6th, 2024:


The proposed amendment to the Regulation addresses the following areas identified since the regulation was published in early 2023:

        a. First come, first serve subaward programs;

        b. Clarifications of the subaward decision remedy process

            and other technical corrections;

        c. Changes to the Annual Organization Registration; and

        d. Clarification of subrecipient insurance requirements.

Public Notice Period: February 6, 2024 – March 8, 2024

Public Hearing Date: February 21, 2024 at 2 PM

Notice of Proposed Rulemaking Grants revisions

Published on Monday October 24th, 2022:

  • State Agencies are reporting significant issues and delays with their Unique Entity ID annual registration updates through The new validation process for entity renewals under the GSA requires that agencies provide documents that are not part of agency operating procedure. The GSA currently does not have guidance on how State agencies can confirm their information matches SAM records. This may lead to delays in renewal of the UEI and subsequent interruptions of payment in existing awards or application for new Federal awards if an agency’s UEI goes inactive.
  • Accordingly, the Grants Management Office will be providing an information and guidance session next week, on Tuesday November 1st at 1 PM, on how to effectively prepare for the new SAM validation requirements when updating your UEI.
  • This session will cover the new validation process, the recommended documents for establishing your agency’s information in SAM, and best practices during the UEI update transition
  • Please reach out to Steve Thompson at if you would like to attend this session.
  • The Grants Management Office has added a new UEI Renewal Process page to our website for additional information on the Renewal process. You can view this webpage at UEI Renewal Process Guidance | controlleradmin (

Published on Monday September 19, 2022:

  • The Grants Management Office will host a training on CRF Reporting for State Agencies on Wednesday September 28th at 10:30 am
  • This training will provide a timeline, closeout tips, and act as an open space for questions and concerns
  • Please reach out to via email if you are responsible for CRF Reporting at your Agency and wish to be apart of this training session

Published on Tuesday August 9, 2022:

  • Join us for the Grant Management System Subrecipient and Applicant Training(s)!
  • This training will introduce you to the eCivis Portal. Open to all organizations that plan to apply for grant funds from Rhode Island State Agencies.  
  • Sign up for any one of four sessions offered this fall on our Upcoming Training page.  Topics covered include: how to apply, how to review and accept an award, and how to manage awards.

Published on Tuesday August 2, 2022:

  • Single Audit Report Submission Update: Transition from Census FAC to GSA Delayed Until October 1, 2023
  • Attention grants managers: The transfer of the administration of the Federal Audit Clearinghouse (FAC) from the Department of Commerce Census Bureau to the General Services Administration (GSA), originally scheduled to take place by September 30, 2022, has been delayed by one year. FY 2022 single audit reports may continue to be submitted to the Census FAC. It is anticipated that GSA will begin accepting FY 2023 single audit reports beginning October 1, 2023.  (Credit

Published on Friday July 29, 2022:

  • The Grants Management Office plans to host another training on "How to apply for a Designated Grant in the GMS" on Thursday August 10th at 10am.
  • This Training will be identical to the training hosted on 7/27 and will be available to both recipients of Designated Grants & State Agencies
  • If you would like to attend this training, please send an email to 

Published on Wednesday July 27, 2022:

  • The Grants Management Office Hosted a training on "How to apply for a Designated Grant in the GMS" on Wednesday July 27th.
  • To view the Slide Deck & User Guide - Click Here