Official State of Rhode Island website

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State of Rhode Island, Office of Accounts and Control , Department of Administration

Annual Organization Registration

Annual Organization Registration Introduction

The Annual Organization Registration (AOR) is a required registration for all subrecipients receiving funds in the State of Rhode Island. Prior to receiving a grant (subaward) from a State of Rhode Island agency, an entity must complete an Annual Organization Registration. Applicants are encouraged (but not required) to complete an Annual Organization Registration before applying for assistance. Before you begin the registration process, check within your organization to see if someone else has already registered your entity. 

Annual Organization Registrations must be submitted every calendar year an entity is receiving grant funding.

The data you provide enables the Grants Management Office to target training, technical assistance, guidance, and monitoring to areas of most need.  It assists us in meeting federal uniform grant requirements. 

Please review the “Annual Organization Registration: Overview and Submission Guide” below for additional information. 

Questions?: Submit a User Support Form

User Guide and Registration List

Frequently Asked Questions

Entities can apply for grant programs from the State of Rhode Island before completing the Annual Organization Registration. However, entities cannot be awarded funds until the Annual Organization Registration is submitted and processed.

Annual Organization Registrations reset yearly (calendar year), but entities only need to submit a new Annual Organization Registration is they are accepting a grant award that calendar year. 

Before you begin, we recommend that you confirm the following have been completed:

  1. Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), available at for no cost.  If your entity is registered in, you have likely already been assigned a UEI.  This is a one-time requirement.  You will need the UEI number to complete this sectionUEI Fact Sheet
  2. Register in Ocean State Procures (OSP) by clicking here for no cost.  If your entity has done business with the state in the past, you are likely already registered.  This is a one-time requirement.
  3. Upload your most recent Single Audit to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse by clicking here, only if your entity was required to complete a Single Audit.

To see a list of all in progress, submitted, and processed Annual Organization Registrations, refer to the “Annual Organization Registration List” posted above. This list is routinely updated to display the status of an entities registration. If your entity is not listed, a registration has not been started. 

An organization may only have a single registration.  The same federal tax identification number may not be associated with multiple GMS registrations. Exception: Public school districts may submit a separate registration from their city/town. If multiple registrations are received for different units of the same entity, one or more may be returned to the user and/or deleted. If there are different authorized representatives for different parts of the entity, each Authorized Representative Certification Form should indicate what the person is authorized for (e.g. Fire Chief for [Name] Fire District only).

If your entity frequently receives assistance, register early to prevent delays in receiving assistance.  Update your registration every calendar year.  If you are a new applicant for state grant funds, you may register your entity anytime.  Without a current GMS registration, your entity cannot receive funds or sign a subaward agreement.

General Information: Required for all subrecipients.  This section asks basic questions about your entity.  

Before you begin this section, we recommend that you confirm the following have been completed:

  1. Obtain a Unique Entity Identifier (UEI), available at for no cost.  If your entity is registered in, you have likely already been assigned a UEI.  This is a one-time requirement.  You will need the UEI number to complete this sectionUEI Fact Sheet
  2. Register in Ocean State Procures (OSP) by clicking here for no cost.  If your entity has done business with the state in the past, you are likely already registered.  This is a one-time requirement.
  3. Upload your most recent Single Audit to the Federal Audit Clearinghouse by clicking here, only if your entity was required to complete a Single Audit.

Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act (FFATA) Reporting: Required only for subrecipients receiving awards of $30,000 or more.  This section is for reporting executive compensation, as required under federal law. If you are unsure the total funding your entity will receive, it is recommended to complete all required questions. 


Users can add Project Team members to an Annual Organization Registration submission so other colleagues can collaborate on responses before submitting. Refer to the "Annual Organization Registration: Overview and Submission Guide" above for instructions. 

The data you provide enables us to target training, technical assistance, guidance, and monitoring to areas of most need.  It assists us in meeting federal uniform grant requirements.  For example, FFATA data is used for federal reporting at