RIFANS Supplier Portal
Welcome to the RIFANS Supplier Portal
The RIFANS Supplier Portal is an internet self-service tool which gives the State's suppliers the ability to directly access their information and enter business transactions through a secured web site.
The main purpose of the portal is to provide greater transparency and improve customer service, while increasing efficiency and productivity. This portal is a completely electronic interface. Aside from an up-to-date web browser such as Microsoft's Internet Explorer, special software is not required to access this system. The RIFANS Supplier Portal supports the following "Certified Software": Firefox Versions 24.X, 17.X, 10.X, and 3.6 and Internet Explorer Versions 10, 9, and 8. Furthermore, there is no fee required to be paid by your business to register or utilize this portal.
The major benefits include, but are not limited to, real time access to information regarding the procure-to-pay life cycle, the ability to generate invoices against purchase orders, and enhanced communication through email notifications.
Refer to the training material link which includes a detailed breakdown of the functionalities of the portal. For additional support, you may email doa.stateportalhelp@doa.ri.gov or call 401-222-1888.
Transition to Ocean State Procures™
The Rhode Island Division of Purchases is transitioning to a new e-Procurement system, called Ocean State Procures™ (“OSP”). OSP will eventually replace the RIFANS Supplier portal.
All vendors who currently (or in the future) sell products and/or services to the State of Rhode Island are required to self-register with Ocean State Procures™ (OSP). Registration is a multi-step process to establish contact and company information, areas served, commodity classifications and tax identification information.
Note: Going forward, vendors will be responsible for managing their profiles in OSP, including address updates, name changes, contact information, and all other information specific to your vendor account.
Until otherwise notified the RIFANS Supplier Portal will still be used for vendors to access bids currently in process, manage purchase orders, submit invoices, and view payments.
OSP Vendor Registration link: http://ridop.ri.gov/vendor-registration/
For assistance registering your company in OSP, contact webprocure.support@perfect.com or call 1-866-889-8533.
For more information regarding Ocean State Procures™, visit https://www.ridop.ri.gov.
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